jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Till I find you again

So I was in this typical tourists markets in Rome and suddenly I saw two simple but cute bracelets that instantly remind me to us. I knew I shouldn't but I took them and bought them. One for you one for me. Something we could take with us forever, reminding us we are part of each other. But obviously that's only like that in my imagination. So now I'll stay with both ... Till I find you again

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

now am i right lel

Friends don’t act like we do. They act 75% like us, but there’s something more between us. Something that is too strong for a friendship. Something that would be between two lovers. Now am I imagining this or am I right. Friendship just isn’t enough for me.

I swear

I swear if you tell me “ i need you” I’ll leave everything and go running to wherever you are.

via the love whisperer

Some quotes of thelovewhisperer I feel very related to. Here are just my favs one, all of them will be reblogged in my tumblr: asweetunicorn. I may keep adding quotes of that web but only in this post, because it'd be crazy if i made a new post for every quote I feel related to.
*I’m selfish, i know i am. but so are you. youre in a fucking relationship and you keep me at arms length, whisper i love yous in my ear while she sits right next to you. i want you. you want me. but you want her too. i cant deal with that. i cant have you telling me how much you love me when you go off and fuck someone else. for fucks sake its you and you know it. no matter how much this hurts ill always be here is you decide to come running back. i hate that thats true, but for you, my love, i would wait a million lives to find the one where you come back to me.

*I’m not even upset, hurt, or angry anymore. I’m just tired. I’m tired of putting in more effort than I receive. I’m tired of holding on for nothing. I’m tired of believing all your lies. I’m tired of proving me wrong every time. I’m tired of getting my hopes up and being disappointed again.

*I’ve tried to block your memory to protect me from the pain, pretend I never knew you, and never heard your name. But the walls aren’t strong enough and I fight my tears in vain. The feeling came creeping through and the hurt is still the same. I wish I could forget you, or make you see me now. The pain will ease in time, and though I know it’s over and what we had is gone, the memories will live forever in a corner of my mind.

*And even though you never loved me I still convince myself to this day that you did. Even though you didn’t mean all the promises you made me, I’ll still hold them close to my heart. Even though I know you won’t love me not now or not ever, you’ll always be the one who holds my heart forever

Everyone’s heartbroken nowadays. But I mean, we all just have to move on. What’s the point of reminiscing when you know the person is no longer worth while; when they’re no longer who they used to be? When their heart is somewhere else? Do you think they still care for you, or are still thinking about you? Because frankly, they don’t.

*I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you. Because it’s about you, it’s always about you.

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

Night in italy

This night looks so beautiful. I've never been in Italy before. The starts seem to understand my pain and shine silently for me. And there are bruises all over my body, and I can still dance in the grass because no physical pain will be worse than loving you so bad and don't being able to have you. Come, sit down next to me, let's dance under the starts together. Or let's smoke a little bit to forget the shit we're in. 
I won't stay in my city much more. I need to travel all around the world, like I'm doing these weeks, because I'm young and this world is so big! But I don't want to do it alone. Not because I can't defense myself. Just because I'd like so much to share the joy of knowing different and unknown people and places by your side. And now I understand, I don't need lots of money to be happy, not a big house or fame or a lot of friends...I just need you, 100% for me, just like I'd be for you.

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016


It´s 4am and I´m coming back home. The party was great, and I made a lot of new friends. But here I am, on the bus, watching how everything passes by, and thinking about you. My friends are asking me why I said no to all of the boys, and behind that  "not of your business" its the thoght that I somehow belong to you, by your side. The tought that I do not want anyone but you. And there´s nothing else in my head except you while the bus takes me home and everyone is talking about their great nights. I see my hands and somehow they are not complete without yours. And I wish the bus was driving much faster, so somehow it could make my toughts go away. Because it's 4am and I´m ridicoulously thinking about how bad I want you.

martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

No quiero que te vayas

No quiero que te vayas porque me gusta tu mirada, tu forma de abrazarme, tus labios, tú. No quiero quee te vayas porque sabes cómo hacerme sentir bien cuando todo parece asqueroso. No quiero que te vayas porque me vuelves loca, deseo cada parte de ti. No quiero que te vayas, no quiero, no quiero.

Pero te vas y me vas a dejar, como todos los demás, solo que tú ya me advertiste. Y no sé cómo lo superaré porque te quiero y me aterroriza, trato de no pensar en cuanto me gustas pero en el fondo lo sé y me da miedo.¡ ¿Joder, porqué te tienes que ir?! Te quiero junto a mi. Por favor, por favor.

No quiero que te vayas

via thelovewhisperer.com

I dont like promoting anything but this blog is so great, it just says everything im feeling:

One day when you’re happy with your life and just enjoying it, you’ll get an unexpected text. Maybe by this time you’ve already forgotten his number, maybe not. And it’ll be him, wanting to “talk”. Wait, hold up. Remember all those tears you shed, while he shed none. Remember those corny pick up lines, remember the hurt. Look at how happy you are now. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Don’t answer that text.

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016

Thank you

I feel like I’ve gotten a lot smarter since I’ve met you. Not necessarily within my brain but my heart. I learned a lot from you, I don’t fall for boys as easy anymore. I don’t believe all the things they say to me with such ease. I’ve learned not to take them serious. I guess this is a good and bad thing but I want to thank you. Thank you for teaching me not to put up with and believe bullshit.

Even go trough the hurt again

Want to know something? The time I was with you was the happiest I’ve been in a long time. That’s part of the reason it’s so hard to get over you and move on, because you were such a significant part of my life and the thought of losing you killed me. Now I feel like I’m never going to be happy again, at least not as happy as I was with you. To tell you the truth, I’d give anything to get back that time, even go through the hurt again.

Taken from thelovewhisperer.me


Pensé que serías una obsesión pasajera. Que me olvidaría de ti en unos días. Pero mirame aquí, años después, comiéndome la cabeza a base de estúpidas preguntas cómo "¿me besará?", ”¿me ama como yo le amo?", "¿estará pensando ahora en mí?", "¿de veras tenemos una conexión especial, o solo lo siento yo así?" etc.
Dios, TE QUIERO. Ya no sé como decírtelo. Y no te quiero como simples amigos. TE AMO. Y me estoy volviendo loca porque a veces te comportas de formas tan diferentes que ya no se si te quiero a ti o a la imagen que tengo de ti. Por favor, ¡no me digas que voy muy rápido! ¡tú eres el que dijiste que empezábamos de cero y al día siguiente saltaste al cien!
Es un sentimiento tan confuso, porque tengo tanta frustración y enfado hacia ti como amor y pasión. Creo que sería capaz de hacerte el amor mientras mis puños te estuvieran pegando.
Oh, es tan ridículo y asqueroso que me hace querer saltar por la ventana. ¿todo el mundo se siente así cuando se enamora? ¿espera, estoy enamorada de ti? ¡¡Joder, ni si quiera puedo escribir con un maldito orden porque me has dejado tanto desorden en mi cabeza!!
Y mañana me levantaré y fingiré una sonrisa con mi familia, y cuando no tenga que hablar bajaré la mirada y pensaré en ti, como una estúpida.

Come here

Come here. I don't care about how wrong this is. Just come here and put your lips in mine. Kiss me like there was no tomorrow. Listen to our bodies whispering. Let's play this crazy game called love. Put your hand in my heart. Do you feel it? It's my heart beating for more.
Tie me up. I'm yours. Completely yours. Mine is yours. Yours is mine. Let's make our clothes disappear. Kiss me. Show me how much you love me. Take me to heaven again. I don't want to be anyone else's but yours.
Put your lips all over my body. Make my body shake. Make me tremble. It isn't  cold, it's passion.


Llevo mucho tiempo sin escribirte. Hoy he soñado contigo y no logro sacarte de mi cabeza, así que pensé que quizás dedicarte algunas palabras lo aliviaría.
Yo uhm ya no estoy segura de echarte de menos. He pasado dos años enteros haciéndolo, rogando porque volvieras a mi vida, pero finalmente comprendí que no podía ser. Te superé.
Pero es cierto que a veces te recuerdo. Tus caricias, tus abrazos... Hace mucho tiempo ya, y sé que me veías cómo una niña, que jamás descubriste mis sentimientos por ti, pero te amaba. Realmente lo hacía. Incluso si era tan sólo una niña.
A veces no lograba conciliar el sueño porque solo veía tus labios. Y cuando estábamos juntos tu aroma me transportaba a otro lugar. Solamente me sentía viva a tu lado. Podía respirar de nuevo.
Olvidarte fue duro, muy duro. La última vez que nos vimos fui realmente borde, lo sé, pero lo hice porque no quería sufrir otra vez. No quería volver a sentir esa conexión y revivir mis sentimientos. Ya estaba olvidándote, no podía permitir engancharme de nuevo. Lo siento por la imagen que te di. Sabes que no soy así.
Tú tampoco eres como he oído que actúas últimamente. En ocasiones pienso que al perdernos perdimos todo lo que éramos también. Hemos construido desde cero y lo hemos hecho a nuestra manera. Tú ahora tienes tu familia, y yo intento salir adelante.
Te superé. Asimilé que teníamos caminos diferentes. Ya no te echo de menos. Pero en ocasiones desearía tenerte a mi lado...


I hate myself. Not in the way people are getting used to say now a days: like it was something cool or idfk. It's not that way. I hate myself in a completely agressive and dangerous way. Sometimes I wish I had two bodies just to be able to hit myself. I literally think I'm ridiculous by every word I say. I was even scared of getting into a bus, just because I thought I would walked in in a different or funny way and everyone would laugh.
It's not social anxiety. People aren't the one I'm scared of. Its me. Its myself. That's what I hate so much. Just the way my face is, my body, every little detail. I wish I could break it in pieces and make me disappear.

Qué se supone que tienes qué decir cuando todo lo que tienes por decir está mal. Ya nada de verdad queda en mí. Sospecho que solo una cosa e...