jueves, 30 de junio de 2016


I wrote a song about you. To be honest I wrote like a million about you. Some of them are horrible. Most of them tragic and stupid. But there´s something about them that makes me feel like I was getting over you. Dont misunderstand me. I can´t forget you. I won´t. But I want to get over you, which basically means for me to stop crying or getting sad for you every day.

I would like to tell you so many things that are happening right now in my life. I´m chaning. I`m growing up. And it wrecks me to know you won`t know the new me. Somehow you don`t know me anymore, and I guess I don`t know you anymore neither, which is killing me inside.

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Qué se supone que tienes qué decir cuando todo lo que tienes por decir está mal. Ya nada de verdad queda en mí. Sospecho que solo una cosa e...