martes, 18 de abril de 2017

I didn't want to fall for you because I knew I'd lost you. I knew the pain that would come along with losing you. But although knowing it, I couldn't avoid getting to know you. Meeting you and opening myself to you. I couldn't avoid it because I could never decide wether to love you or not. I never had the chance to choose. I have loved you since the first day  I saw you.

But I could have avoided talking and being with you and I didn't. ¿Did I think that the pain was worth it? ¿Did I  think that the happiness of being with you would be bigger than the suffering of losing you? ¿Or did I just never asked myself that question?

I should have asked it to myself. Because missing you like this hurts so much that  sometimes makes me wonder if it was worth it.

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