domingo, 3 de julio de 2016

Some nights

Some nights, like this one, I miss you so bad I almost text you. Then I remember every reason I have not to and I leave my phone on a corner, away from me, so I can resist it. I cover my mouth with my hand, since I feel like I was going to scream or get out all the noise I have inside,the noise of my inside falling and breaking to pieces. And I stay like that, crying or just hitting my bed until I calm down and somehow, if I'm lucky get asleep. If I'm not, I may stay all night with my eyes wide open, looking at the dark, wondering how to get rid of this pain.

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Qué se supone que tienes qué decir cuando todo lo que tienes por decir está mal. Ya nada de verdad queda en mí. Sospecho que solo una cosa e...