sábado, 18 de junio de 2016


Hey, I know it's been a long time, but I still think about you.I remember you. And way more than what I should or you'd believe. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep when I have a hard day and I miss telling it all to you. And you wouldn't believe all  stuff that has been happening and all new people I have met. I have had a lot of new opportunities to get close to someone and I don't accept them. I try to, I really do. But I discover then that what I'm actually doing is trying to replace you, and no one can.

I miss knowing you. I know it sounds stupid but it feels like I didn't know you anymore. I don't know how are you feeling what new stuff you are doing and etc... And that breaks me. It's destroying me.

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Qué se supone que tienes qué decir cuando todo lo que tienes por decir está mal. Ya nada de verdad queda en mí. Sospecho que solo una cosa e...